
Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho Review

Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho
Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho

When I first got the Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho, I was—to be completely honest—confused. I kept looking at it trying to find a good situation to test it in. 

Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho
Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho

Even when I took it camping with me, I couldn’t find the right situation to throw it on. In part it was because of my responsibilities at the campsite and my family. It was too much stuff to be around me while I was cooking or chasing after the kiddos.

But this past weekend, I was at a mountain retreat preparing to consume five grams of psilocybin and I was cold and wanted something comfy. I went to my camp box and pulled out the Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho, threw it on, and proceeded to prepare myself for some medicine work.

Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho
Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho

This poncho is the perfect companion for a mushroom trip. There were so many times where I fluctuated from being too hot to too cold and this was the perfect thing to throw off and on or just to hold onto for some soft, fluffy comfort. 

It has also become a companion to my meditation practice. It’s the perfect size to drape over my entire body as my legs are folded underneath me and provides a nice, grounding weight as I try to connect to something deeper than my own ego.

Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho
Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho

While not everyone will be on the same journey, if you are looking for something soft and fluffy to chill or just be in, the Poler Sleeping Bag Poncho is the way to go.